Friday, May 3, 2013

Seedlings and other things

Kale, sweet onions and garlic
At the end of April, here's a small peek of early spring at the Casita.  For the very first time, I planted veggie seeds for transplanting.  To my amazement and delight, they have sprouted and I now have healthy seedlings ready to go.  My selection include Tom Thumb peas, Sugar Daddy snap peas, a hybrid zucchini for small gardens, Micro Tom tomatoes (the world's smallest tomato plant?), bush cucumbers and Sugar Pie pumpkin seeds.  While we have a pretty big back yard, my actual planting area is limited; hence the micro-size selections.  The kale, green onions and sweet onions have flourished beyond my greatest expectations.  And the garlic is growing very well, too.  There's surely no greater pleasure that gathering one's own veggies from the kitchen garden.  Ray and I have enjoyed many green smoothies this season, using fresh-picked kale leaves.  Kale leaves, you may ask?  Mixed with bananas, pineapple and strawberry yogurt, the flavor is truly yummy.  As for roses, we've been in Temecula for nearly three years now and this year's been a bumper crop; healthy, fragrant and oh so sweet!  I've still much to do and, therefore, at this time of year, more likely than not, you'll find me in the garden.

Roses in full bloom, April 2013

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